Legal Coding

iBBS offers high-quality document coding and data entry services at very competitive prices. We are rated as in the top five data entry and coding service providers in the industry and our services include both objective and subjective coding. Clients enjoy our responsiveness, superior accuracy, and quick turn-around.

iBBS has the technology and capacity to process millions of records of electronically stored information (ESI); and host a huge names database, which is used in Litigation and other Data Entry Services. We play an essential role in providing quality solutions that are designed to be the most appropriate, from a time and cost perspective, to meet the immediate requirements of on-going litigation or compliance.

Document Coding

iBBS provides high quality coding and data conversion services at very competitive prices. We have processed hundreds of millions of documents over the years. We also offer multilingual coding capabilities. Recent projects include: Labor and Employment; Patent Infringement; Securities/White Collar Crimes; Internal Investigations; M&A; Oil and Gas; Media and Telecom/Communications; and Commercial Litigation.

No two legal cases are the same. However, despite the uniqueness of each case, the standards and methods of data capture of scanned images remain the same. We provide a small allowance for a minimal degree of customization to meet the requirements of the case and of the data capturing platform.

Legal coding of a document is best defined as taking specific common information from a document and placing it in a format to enable the documents to be categorized. Once a document is categorized, it can be accessed by viewing documents matching that same category.

When coding a set of documents, the coding team is cognizant of the information to be captured and the guidelines related to the capture of this information. For a coding project to be considered successful, it should meet the following criteria:

Today’s Information Management Challenges

  • Accuracy: Names must be spelled correctly and entered in the proper project-specific format; dates and numbers are re-checked to ensure accuracy.
  • Consistency: Decisions regarding information extraction must be consistent from one document to another. Pre-defined coding guidelines are closely followed.
  • Completeness: All information relevant to a document must be input in the correct field of the database.

At iBBS, we are platform independent. Depending on a coding environment, we can code in real-time or process in batch. We routinely log into our in-built applications and online tools to code documents. The majority of our clients prefer to utilize our secure FTP servers to batch process overnight, utilizing the day for higher value production work. We oblige the decision of client and guarantee accuracy rates of 99.5% or higher.

We are one of the players in document coding service providers due to our accuracy and timeliness, maintaining our calibre to code in both real-time and offline in batches.

Our services include:

  • Indexing, Objective coding, Bibliographic, Subjective, and In-text
  • Logical Document Determination (LDD) or unitization
  • Conversion (TIFF to Searchable PDF, PDF to TIFF, PDF to MS Word, MS Excel)
  • Data conversion, document conversion, OCR, OCR edits
  • Redaction (PDF, TIFF)
  • Bates stamp and capture
  • Data entry and data capture
  • Conversion of multi-tab Excel spreadsheets

iBBS maintains an infrastructure with quick turnaround time and responsiveness in a 24/7 basis on all 365 days-a-year, not only through our U.S. facilities, but also by utilizing our data processing centres at different places.

Contact Us

iBBS treats each client relationship as a partnership. Our goal is to provide well-managed solutions that enhance your productivity and reduce your costs.

We welcome your inquiries. Please contact us at for more information.