Digital Transformation

Organizations in this digital age are often faced with increasing operational costs, unsustainable productivity, unorganized data and non-compliance to norms.

Today’s Information Management Challenges

  • Cost & Accuracy
  • Complexity of data types
  • Structured/Unstructured data
  • Velocity data
  • Responsiveness
  • Complexity of tools & technology
  • Compliance & preservation

Impact of Poor Information Management Discipline

  • Inaccurate Decisions
  • No Transparency
  • Decision on criteria other than data
  • Production outages and shortages
  • Perception of poor reliability and dependability

Impact of Discipline Information Management

  • Improved data-based decision making
  • Rapid market adjustments
  • Optimized asset investments (inventory, manpower, cash)
  • Improved economic performances: Revenue, Expenses, ROI, Valuation

Contact Us

iBBS treats each client relationship as a partnership. Our goal is to provide well-managed solutions that enhance your productivity and reduce your costs.

We welcome your inquiries. Please contact us at for more information.