Compliance Management:

Compliance is a part of life, just as much as taxes. Meeting a compliance deadline should not be an all-consuming focus which distracts from normal business activity and creates an unnecessary level of anxiety. The value of compliance is often interpreted as cost to the company. Imagine, if compliance management was woven into the DNA of enterprise, the value ROI would be in multiples.

Compliance management is a program which de-risks the enterprise and provides a competitive advantage. The advantage does not arise by being compliant; it comes from organization, access, and transparency of critical business information. If this program is considered part of the normal business process, it provides an early warning system of problems which if not addressed, in time, will disrupt the enterprise.

It is better to know in advance than to walk around in ignorance.

The program provides a highly visible operational view of an enterprise by:

  • Establishing metrics linked to the granular details of an organization’s operations, and
  • Tracking the metrics to generate compliance reports easily, and
  • More importantly, using the information available to quickly meet the changing dynamics of the business environment

Transparency within an enterprise de-risks the enterprise with forewarnings issues that can derail it. And the cost of not being compliant could put your business in jeopardy.  To help organizations meet evolving compliance regulations, we have developed process and technology which makes compliance management easy and stress free.

Our Corporate Digital Locker (CDL) is a secure platform, designed to make digitization, and compliance easy. Combining technology with process, we determine the value of documents and assign much needed alerts, it ensures you never miss a compliance deadline, anymore.


  • Document Linked Date Alerts
  • Ensures you meet compliance deadlines
  • Reminders designed for various Government, Compliance, Statutory, and Legal departments

Benefits of Corporate Digital Locker (CDL)

  • A central document repository for compliance, administration, and operational needs
  • Access your documents from anywhere and on any device
  • Optimize work process, enhance transparency, drive productivity through collaboration by creating efficient workflows reducing duplication of work and drive cost out
  • Assign documents to the prevailing compliance framework and stay ahead of the changes with our advisory services
  • Reduce physical storage space

Value of Corporate Digital Locker (CDL)

Take the first steps to digital transformation and meet your compliance deadlines.

  • Digitize all your paper records and reduce the risk of misplaced/damaged documents
  • Capture critical information and use it in different platforms: CRM, ERP, HRM etc.
  • Enable customer interaction through most relevant and current information
  • Create permission-based access to digital documents for different departments to reduce theft of intellectual property and confidential information
  • Disaster proof your organization from internal IT failures and environmental challenges including floods and changing weather patterns

Contact Us

iBBS treats each client relationship as a partnership. Our goal is to provide well-managed solutions that enhance your productivity and reduce your costs.

We welcome your inquiries. Please contact us at for more information.